LCPC/CnC 2016 Location

The two workshops, LCPC and CnC, will be held at Hilton Garden Inn in the college town next to University of Rochester river campus (arts, sciences and engineering) and medical school:

Hilton Garden Inn
Rochester/University & Medical Center
30 Celebration Drive
Rochester, New York, 14620, USA

The LCPC Conference Group rate is $134 per night, not including tax (currently 14%).  Reservations of the conference rate must be received on or before Monday, September 5, 2016.  To reserve a room, use this link.

Local transportation.  The hotel (and the university) is about 4.2 miles from the Rochester International Airport (ROC).  The taxi fare is around $10.

ISMM Best Student Paper

An example of not only high-quality research but also collaboration between ECE and CS combining hardware support and program analysis. The conference is ACM SIGPLAN International Symposium on Memory Management Here is the information about the award paper:

Hardware Support for Protective and Collaborative Cache Sharing 

Raj Parihar, Jacob Brock, Chen Ding and Michael C. Huang

Abstract: In shared environments and compute clouds, users are often un- related to each other. In such circumstances, an overall gain in throughput does not justify an individual loss. This paper presents a new cache management technique that allows conservative sharing to protect the cache occupancy for individual programs, yet enables full cache utilization whenever there is an opportunity to do so.