RubyBOP Introduction

Behavior-oriented parallelization (BOP) provides a suggestion interface for a user to mark possible parallelism and run-time support to guarante correctness and efficient execution whether the hints are correct or not.  It enables program parallelization based on partial information and is useful for incrementally parallelizing a program or streamlining it for common uses.

This page contains a tutorial to introduce RubyBOP to a CS undergraduate student who will become a developer of the system.


Modern programs often have dynamic parallelism at the high level but are hard to parallelize because of complex code such as the use of bit-level operations, unrestricted pointers, exception handling, custom memory management, and third-party libraries. Moreover, many programs have input-dependent behavior where both the degree and the granularity of parallelism are not guaranteed or even predictable. For manual parallelization, the complexity and the uncertain performance gain do little to warrant the investment of time and the risk of error.

Behavior-oriented parallelization (BOP) addresses these problems by providing a suggestion interface for a user to mark possible parallelism in a program and a run-time system to guarantee correctness and efficiency. If the hints are correct, the program will run in parallel. If the hints are not correct or the suggested parallelism is too fine-grained, the program still finishes as fast as sequential execution. In both cases, the program produces the same output as the sequential execution without hints. BOP is based on frequent, input-dependent behavior rather than definite behavior. It allows program parallelization based on partial information and is useful for incrementally parallelizing a program or streamlining it for common uses.

Paper Reading

Example (Unsafe) OpenMP Programming

Use the add example.  It computes on the N elements of an array and adds the results together.  It is parallelized in OpenMP.  Use GCC to build it and run it in parallel.   The executable has two parameters: the number of elements to compute (in millions) and the number of blocks (to divide the elements into and compute in parallel).  Change these two parameters and the number of OMP threads.  Observe the performance and the result.  Do you see a non-deterministic error?

C-BOP Manual

RubyBOP source code is a Mercurial repository.  Download it from  Here we refer to the root as [repos].

Read the programming manual of C-BOP.  C-BOP is the subdirectory [repos]/cbop/.  It is a C library that a C program can call to parallel the program.

A description of the library API calls is given in the programming manual in [repos]/cbop/prog_man/.  Use a web browser to open the base manual page index.html.  The information may be dated or missing.  We will update and improve the document as we go.

Write the First C-BOP Program

Use the programming manual and the C-BOP source code to parallel the add program using BOP programming hints.

Ruby C Extension

Use the most recent Ruby release (2.2).  Add a new trivial class in C and a public method in the new class to return some number or string.  To test your extension, write a Ruby program, standalone or in the interpreter, create an object of this new single-method class and call the method to check the results.